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  • Glue bvm vpoxy (refill - clear)

    CBVM9575  (BVM)

    568.00 each


    Aeropoxy is white, Vpoxy is clear
    Aeropoxy is totally thixotropic - i.e. it will not run or sag. Vpoxy is slightly less thixotropic - thus it may penetrate some materials better.
    Aeropoxy initial setup time is about 3 hours at 75°F. Vpoxy initial setup time is about 1 hour at 75°F.
    Technical data on the strength properties of both glues render them about the same.
    Aeropoxy and/or Vpoxy are Aerospace grade adhesives and the strongest epoxy based glues available to the modeler.

Enquire about: Glue bvm vpoxy (refill - clear)

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